Hi, so glad you dropped by, today may just be the day you find something you have always wanted. (No not that, sorry).
I know that somedays you can hit the ball out of the ground.. and others well you know not so good and the bank takes a big dent!
My granny use to say, " IF, if's and ands, were pots and pans, what would the use of tinkers be!"
If you are too young to know what tinkers were originally, they mended broken things, when people use to repair, rather than replace.
I digress a bit, sorry.
Punting is full of IF's and ANDs, we know betting is not an exact science, but it is also not as random as most people think.
Obviously, level staking is the most common and easily understood, (same amount bet on every bet).
The problem with level staking, if you are going through a winning streak, you are staking the same amount as when you are having a losing streak. You are not leveraging the winning streak, you are leaving fruit on the side board.
To find the perfect blend is what you need.
Turbo boosting the winning streak, yet not risking the farm when it turns turtle on you, and your selections are not producing the goods.
Feared by people on the mountains, not so by punters.
Avalanche staking, lets you ride the highs and saving the powder for better days when you selections are not producing.
Basically, it is using the magic of compounding, and using the "Money In The Bank" to grow your returns faster.
When I was first shown this concept it was a paper, pencil and calculator operation. (Too hard for most people.)
Now, I am happy to say that is is now, streamlined into a very Idiot Proof [as can be] spreadsheet.
All you need to do is enter the date, and some race details (not compulsory), read the amount to bet, place that bet and then after the race or match, put in the price you got, and repeat the process.
Then finished for the day, save the spreadsheet and wait until you next want a bet and repeat the process.
You do need "Microsoft Excel 2007 or later" you can pick up excel on ebay for under £20.00 for a licence with no subscription.
Football, Horses, Dogs and Sports.
These can all be used with the Avalanche staking spreadsheet.
With bookies, Tote, TAB and betting exchanges, all are compatiable, and can all be used on the same worksheet.
Plus you get a graph to see how the bank and bets are going.

The above graph is a 30 day place divided series.
High priced selections, or Low priced selections are all cataered for on the same worksheet if you wish.
Plus there are 5 worksheets on the excel, so you can use them all separate if you wish to separate sports from horses, wins from places.
It is very flexiable and has the ability to grow your bank with reasonable selections.
Why not watch the instructional video? Below.
That should answer most of your questions.
Also you can download the manual that explains the process of the Avalanche method, plus how the spreadsheet works.